Saturday, 7 December 2013

CamJam December 2013

Just some snaps taken from the CamJam (a Raspberry Pi Jam in Cambridge).
The Picade currently shipping to the kickstarter backers! and will be available to buy some time next year. I missed the kickstarter so will have to wait. But be sure I will be buying this.
Above: Now this is what I call a robot arm, unlike the Maplin one I have, this one looks less of a toy.
Below: Seven Segments of Pi, a kit that can be bought that teaches electronics and programming.
Below a fully kitted out robot controlled by a Raspberry Pi, this has every sensor you can connect to a Pi built by Matthew Timmons-Brown aka The Raspberry Pi Guy.
Below Ryan Walmsley aka Ryanteck with the new robot kit he is going to be selling real soon.
If you haven't been to a Raspberry Jam then the question has to be why not? Especially if you are in education and/or a Pi user. You get to meet fellow enthusiasts, get ideas for projects from seeing what others have been doing (show and tell area) or from discussions with others, learn (workshops and talks), and basically have a good time.
A word of warning they can be expensive! With online retailers attending with their wares, it's very easy to walk out with a load of goodies. As my little bundle below shows (another Pi, a case, and a wireless keyboard) from the show today.
It is nice to have the online retailers at these events as they give you that chance to physically see the goods before purchasing.
Hey you even get sneak peak at stuff like the HDMI-Pi kickstarter project, which is an affordable 9" HD screen for the Pi (photo about of Dave and Alex doing their speed talk about it). Some news was announced like the dual 5v and 12v power , 2 HDMI ports, and a USB port that provides 5v power.
Next CamJam is 8th February 2014.
Update: Below some close up (ish) photos of the HDMI-Pi.
Update 2:
Below the Pibrella on a Raspberry Pi

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