Monday, 27 January 2014

UK Hour of Code Week

Monday morning and after such an awesome Friday (see the Game Britannia Industry Talks post here for more details) it's back to the day job.
As usual whenever you spend time away from the office/work the emails seem to mount up. So this morning it was sorting the wheat from the chaff in the inbox from all that filled it up on Friday. Which is all fine and dandy, but what's that got to do with the price of eggs and this post?
One of the emails I received in Friday was from the Raspberry Pi Foundation with an update on their Hour of Code competition/promotion last December in the UK. This saw the Foundation with the backing of Google putting up some Raspberry Pis as a reward to those schools that took part in the Hour of Code.
Well we did the Hour of Code with some of our classes and I entered them in for the draw. Guess what this promotion was rather popular with the schools. So the email I and others have received informed us how successful the promotion was in the UK (some 750 schools, with over 15,000 learners taking part) and that we will be getting our Pis very soon.
But the interesting bit and the bit that sparked this post was the news tucked at the end which said
"Finally, save the date, Monday 3rd March is the start of the UK Hour of Code week 2014 when we will be launching some specific Raspberry Pi project materials."
So firstly wow! Secondly this needs promoting a bit more, this is the first I'd heard of it. I'm sure it will be successful, and wow!

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